Escape the cave or suffer a brutal death!

Some info on the game:
If you are just playing casually, you should have difficulty with the second and third levels but with some persistence you can beat them. However, the fourth level is not as simple. I would be surprised if anyone actually beats it, as I found it to be pretty difficult even as the creator of the game. But if you truly find this game fun, and you are completely familiarized with the controls and game mechanics, go ahead :) 

This is a small prototype game intended to demonstrate my current Unity skills. After completing's project taught in section five of their course "Complete C# Unity Game Developer 2D," I added to the game to cement my knowledge before continuing my learning journey.

In this game, I made additions such as the ability to jump while on ladders, particle systems, animations, levels, sound effects, and more. In doing so I expanded my knowledge and learned about important concepts such as if statements with counters, accumulators, and control variables, object oriented design patterns, and unity-specific things such as scene references, intricacies of the audio and particle systems, and creating animations. This project also taught me a fair bit about game design and scope.

Although this isn't my favorite, most-polished, or most fun game so far, coincidentally it has been the one with the most time and work put into it. The development of this game taught me the most out of any of my other projects.

Although many of my implementations were far from perfect, I will continue to improve my coding and devleopment skills throughout the course by stopping after each section to add onto the games.

Please give your feedback. Thank you!

Published 13 days ago
Tags2D, Pixel Art, Unity

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